It is close to that dreaded time of the year again. No, not the holidays, although their impact on productivity is enough to make any of us a bit Scrooge-like. Rather, it is close to time for first of the year evaluations of your staff. While your company probably has a form that lower-level supervisors can use, evaluating executive staff is a whole different breed of cat. Here are some tips to help make it less painful
1). Keep it as objective as possible. Rather than speaking in generalities, speak in facts and evidence of success or failure. Quantify the wins and the losses of your executive staff as much as possible. As Harold Geneen (Chairman and CEO of ITT in its halcyon days) used to say, “The slavery of the numbers will make you free.” Use them here, too.
2). Have specific examples, demonstrations and evidence on hand. Make sure that you take the time to prepare for an evaluation of a staff member.
3). If you can get away with it, skip so called 360 evaluations. They’re useless and lead to less effective executives. Often executives who are being evaluated on the absurd 360 forms, just like teachers who are facing student evaluations, will make decisions that will make them popular with everyone so they won’t get a poor eval. This means that companies with these monstrosities wind up with less effective executives. While you don’t want a complete jerk in an executive position, you do want a leader who may have to make very unpopular decisions for the good of the company. Let the individual’s superior evaluate him or her, not their staff or peers. 360 evals are nothing but a tool for character assassination, political power plays, and staff grudges. Skip ‘em if you can. If you can’t, begin lobbying for their abolition for the good of the company. (Call me for more on this if you’d like.)
4). Reward long-range thinking even more than short-term success. American companies have a fatal flaw which has led, in part, to the current crisis on Wall Street. American companies are “quarter” oriented. In other words, American companies look at what is produced in a quarter or a year, not in a five year plan.
But five year plans are essential for true, prudent and responsible corporate growth. Long-range strategic thinkers, however, often get stabbed in the back by their CEOs or Boards (not to mention the [unprintable expletive] media!) for not producing $X amount of revenue in a particular quarter. Sometimes, however, as any chess player will know, you must take a few strategic “hits” to gain long-term success. Asian companies think in terms of 2, 5 or even 10 year plans and reward executives who have foresight and strategic planning expertise. They are much smarter than American companies. This is why Asian companies who compete head-to-head against American companies kick our butt time and again. And now, in addition to the excellence of Japanese products, we’re going to have Chinese and Vietnamese products to compete against. Yes, China is having some regulatory problems. But the executives involved in these often get the death penalty. This is not a bad idea for American companies to adopt, at least so far as ending an executive’s career, if not his life.
Take a clue from the people who have had an unbroken 5,000 year plus civilization and business world, and reward strategic, long-term thinking even more than short-term revenue success.
5). Evaluate the ethics and values of your staff, not just their performance. Unless you want to be another Enron, make it clear that “success at any cost” is not tolerated. Put together a strong, but reasonable code of ethics, and demand that it be followed completely. Punish those who do not follow it, especially at the top, with immediate termination. A beheading is always good for morale and productivity.
6). Observe interaction with peers and subordinates. Rather than a 360, get out of your office and observe. Evaluate on real interaction, not on reported interaction. Learn to be a bit sneaky and unobtrusive, so you can quietly observe from anywhere. And get out on the floor rather than hiding in your office. If you aren’t observing the personal interactions of your employees, you’re setting yourself up for trouble down the line. Don’t be a snob. Hobnob with everyone from the custodian to your second in command with equal respect.
7). Evaluate on attitude as much as on performance. It should be clear that each member of your executive is truly on the team, and not a loner pretending to be on the team.
8). Make it a two way conversation. Too many evaluations are one-way conversations. At the executive level it should be a two-way conversation. Put your ego aside and ask for honest and blunt feedback about what you and the company should be doing differently. If you actually get an executive with enough guts to tell you the truth, don’t punish him or her, promote him or her, or, if you can’t promote this person, keep him or her by your side. Someone who will tell you the truth is a rare commodity in American business these days.
9). Don’t B.S. your staff. Don’t tell them one thing and reward another. At the executive level your staff deserves and needs to know what you’re really thinking and what your real goals are, not some press release mumbo-jumbo. If you’re dishing out mumbo-jumbo because you’re concerned about a team member betraying you, fire him or her and replace that individual with someone you can trust. If you can’t fire him or her because he or she is friend or relative of a board member, it is time to call me and let’s get you outta there!
10). Set realistic goals that can be reached with a reasonable amount of effort. Those who set unattainable goals to keep their executives in check are simply fools. Set goals that stretch the weak areas and play to the strong areas of each executive. Then check back periodically. Remember that one of your vital jobs as a CXO is to coach and mentor your staff. If you’re on a “power trip” or find helping your staff to be threatening, please do us all a favor and quit and go be a Tibetan monk or something useful, because you’re a very bad CXO. Good top level executives help their staff reach corporate and personal goals — not play head games with them.
Remembering these ten essential keys to senior staff evaluation will produce a staff with trust and respect for you, and, as well, increased productivity.
One final thing. Please ignore the gloom and doom sayers on Wall Street and our government. If this particular government didn’t discover crisis after crisis we might not keep putting these folks in power. The “Wall Street Crisis,” we will find, is a bit like “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Choose to opt out of the recession and go out and be prosperous. Think and behave in ways that generate prosperity instead of fear. Remember that three times as many people got wealthy in the Great Depression as lost everything. I choose not to participate in this recession, and I hope you’ll join me.
If you want to speak further about these concepts, please feel free to email me at or call me at 720.581.4301. If I’m not in please leave a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Please note that you are a reader of my CEO Skills Corner column.
Now go make lots of money!
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
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